Calculate excavation
Accurate calculation of excavation quantities in construction projects is crucial
Accurate calculation of excavation on construction sites
An important step before starting construction is to calculate the amount of excavation to be done at the site. Excavation is the removal of soil, rock or other materials to make room for basements, foundations, roads or other construction projects. Accurate calculation of excavation quantities is critical to ensure that enough material is removed to provide adequate space for the structures of the construction project. If the calculation is not accurate, it can result in unnecessary costs for the builder or even for the company that submitted a binding bid for the excavation.
There are several methods for calculating excavation quantities on construction sites. A traditional method is to manually survey the site at several points. A calculation is made based on the points collected. However, this method can take a lot of time and is also inaccurate. On flat terrain, such a calculation is easier to perform than on uneven or sloping terrain. The use of drones enables a very accurate and cost-efficient calculation of excavation quantities, both on level terrain and on complex sloping terrain.

Before - after - comparison of the excavation for maximum accuracy
By using drones, the terrain can be precisely documented and converted into a 3D model before construction begins. After excavation work has been completed on site, the terrain is documented again and the two models are compared. By precisely superimposing the models, the actual excavation can be accurately calculated. To learn more about the advantages of excavation calculation with drones, contact us - we will be happy to advise you.
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Drones in the implementation of construction projects
The use of drones offers many advantages in the execution of construction projects. The ability to map and document the terrain before construction begins allows for accurate planning and preparation of the construction project. By creating a 3D model, architects and engineers can accurately analyze the terrain and identify potential obstacles before construction begins. This saves time and resources and minimizes potential risks during the construction process. In addition, the project progress can be documented and tracked. It can also be useful for project approval, as the entire construction process is fully documented.

Advantages for builders and companies through precise calculation of costs
It is often difficult or even impossible to check offers on site. By using a drone and a volume calculation, an offer can be checked in advance and renegotiated if necessary. An earth excavation for a large or even small construction project can add up to large sums with deviations as small as 10-20%. But not only builders can benefit from an accurate calculation, construction companies can also lose a lot of money if the calculation is wrong.
How does the excavation calculation with a drone work?
Excavation calculation with a drone is done with the help of cameras and sensors specially designed for terrain mapping. A drone flies over the construction site and collects images and data that are processed by software to create a detailed 3D model of the terrain. In addition, control points can be set up on the ground to process the collected data with even more precision or to use it for a later before-and-after comparison of the terrain. In this way, the actual movement of the excavation can be accurately represented.
What are the advantages of earth excavation by drone?
The advantages of calculating earth excavation with a drone are:
High accuracy even in complex environments
Fast and accurate results
Cost effective
Possibility of before and after comparison of 3D models
High accuracy even for large construction projects
More accurate quotation
Reduction of the risk of human error

Conclusion in relation to the use of drones in the calculation of excavated earth
Overall, the use of drones for the calculation of earth excavation offers many advantages, as the results can be carried out very accurately and quickly. Often, the classic earth excavation calculations are very time-consuming and inaccurate at the same time, which can lead to a great disadvantage for the builder or even the construction company. In addition, the 3D models created can be used to accurately document a construction project or design. In addition, human errors are reduced. Contact us and we will advise you in detail about the calculation of the excavation for your construction project.